Quick Way to Improve Broadband Speed

What is the factor that causing the slow speed of the modem? Temperature. Yes, the modem is overheating. When the modem temperature increasing, it will slow down you broadband speed, especially if you are a Bit Torrent maniac who downloading Gigabyte of files everyday 24 hours 7 days a week.
I solve this modem overheating by using the fan to take out the hot air from the modem. Yes, I make myself a USB powered fan. All the parts are getting from the old PC. It basically cost you nothing at all. Just need about 20 minutes time and some soldering. You need a DC5V, 0.15A or 0.20A brushless fan. You can find it in the old GFX card or old notebook. And you also need a male USB cable. This you can get it from the old mouse. If you can't find an old mouse, then you need to sacrifice one of your mouse.
If you are lazy to make this USB powered fan, another alternative way is to get the electric house Fan, turn it to the highest speed and blow at your modem. It will works as well.
Every since I have this USB powered fan on my modem, I enjoy the Bit torrent download speed at 65Kbps averagely. Sound cool ya. :)
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