Purple Color Chili

I found this purple color chili this morning at my garden. This is the first time I see the purple color chili. I wonder where my mom get the seed. She told me this species of chili can prevent cancer. Believe it? Here are some facts about this chili:
- Common Name: Aurora Chili
- Scientific Name: Capsicum Annuum
- Heat Level: 7
- Small 10-12" plants, purple and green foliage, chillis 1½" long. Upright plant, ripens from lavender to deep purple to bronze/orange and finally to red. Very nice for the patio or in the house. Easily grown in a pot on the windowsill reaching about a foot high.
Purple Cili...
y i call it hiao cili...
as they dont wanna wear red...
so hiao that wanna wear Purple
tis not hiao meh? hiao la!
Purple color is not the hiao color la...
purple is royalty, a myterious color,
Deep or bright purple suggesy riches
while lighter purple are more romantic and delicate.
So in this case,
The cilies that Master Jason have is Royal Cilies...
p/l: now i know y master Jason Love Purple Cili...
----> to get rich n romantic!!!
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