Tech Support. What a technical Person!!

Tech Support. Yes, technical support executive. From the name we know these people should have very strong technical knowledges.
But in my company X, they hired a lot of this idiot tech support that don't have technical knowledge at all. They asked stupid questions. They dispatch the wrong parts for customers, then they come back to blame the engineers for qualifying wrong or giving wrong info.
This morning, I received an email from this customer service and the T.S . A customer is having problem with the PCMCIA slot and some idiot onsite support technician or what ever confirm that the slot is NG. So this expert TS requesting for replacement of the PCMCIA slot. The problem come when customer is using Model A of Notebook, but they are sending PCMCIA slot of Model B to the customer and later complain to me that the slot cannot fit in the system.
Why they never check and verify before sending the part?
No wonder this company X is wasting a lot of money on sending part for customer.
If you are hiring a monkey to do the job, that monkey will give you a monkey result.
I wonder what is wrong with the hiring manager.
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